kinetic stem cell counting
Accurate Counting of Tissue Stem Cells
Asymmetrex®’s Kinetic Stem Cell Counting technologies provide rapid, accurate counting and monitoring of tissue stem cells present in cell-heterogeneous tissue cell preparations:
The first “Differential Stem Cell Count“
Technology Applications
Kinetic Stem Cell Counting provides accurate differential quantification of important tissue stem cells (e.g., hematopoietic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, liver stem cells) produced, studied, and used in all areas of stem cell science and stem cell medicine, including veterinary medicine as well.
SteM Cell Research
Quantifying tissue stem cells in experimental studies.
Stem Cell Supply
Quantifying the number and quality of stem cells in research, regenerative medicine, and cultured food cell products.
Quantifying the dosage of therapeutic tissue stem cells in stem cell therapies and stem cell-targeted gene therapies with differential stem cell counts.
Drug Development
Quantifying beneficial and detrimental effects of pharma and biopharma drug candidates on essential body stem cells.
Simple, Accurate, and Free
Asymmetrex® provides free online calculators for rapid, accurate differential quantification of commonly-studied tissue stem cells (e.g., human peripheral blood stem cells, human umbilical cord blood stem cells, human fat tissue-derived stem cells).