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Kinetic Stem Cell Counting

Stem Cell Counting Center

Below, select free calculators for general cell proliferation parameters or for differential stem cell counting .

General Cell Proliferation Parameter Calculators

Select the following three calculators for free online computation of useful parameters for general cell culture proliferation studies:

I. PDT – Population doubling time

II. PD – Population doublings

III. CPD – Cumulative population doublings

Tissue Stem Cell Calculators

Select the free online calculators below for determination of the differential stem cell count of the indicated tissue stem cell sources:

IV. 34-hUCB-HSCs – CD34-selected human umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cells

V. hUCB-HSCs – Unfractionated human umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cells

VI. hAd-MSCs – Human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells

VII. 34-hMPB-HSCs – CD34-selected human adult mobilized peripheral blood hematopoietic stem cells

VIII. 34-hBM-HSCs – CD34-selected human adult bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells

If you need additional calculators for different tissue stem cell sources and/or cell culture medium, CONTACT US to let us know what you need.

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